
Monday, December 19, 2016

The date of the wedding in numerology. How to choose the wedding date?

the date of the wedding, numerology, how to choose the wedding date, dress
Each of us dreams of a happy, loving marriage. Supposedly happy months for the celebration of a marriage are such ones, which in their name have the letter "r". From a numeral point of view, the most important thing is what number year you and your partner are in. There are numbers that are not favourable, and there are also those that lead to the break-up. If you are planning a wedding, and knowing the numbered meaning of the date, you have a chance to choose the best one. See the numerals of your wedding dates.

The wedding day is one of the most important day in life. Usually we plan this special day well in advance, so we have plenty of time to choose the perfect date. Most often, when choosing the date of marriage, young people are guided by family traditions, the availability of a wedding hall, weather, season of the year or the agreement of individual plans. Few people decide to make a wedding ceremony in autumn, not to mention winter. Often, as a potential date of wedding, the young country takes into account important dates such as, for example, the following. birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

In addition to these factors, the fiancée should also pay attention to the numbering of the date of marriage, which has a significant impact on the future marriage. After all, it's one of the most important dates in life, so it's worth making sure that everything is perfect and finished with the last button.

During the celebration of the Vow Date numerology it is worth mentioning what happened on 7 July 2007. The fiancée couples were mass weddings on that day, and this was due to the appearance of three seven. From a numeral point of view, this date was completely irrelevant, as it is not the numbering date of the wedding that is calculated in this way.

How NOT to calculate the date of marriage?

You can often find the following way to calculate a favorable date for your wedding. For example, the following are taken care of date 12.09.2015 and calculate 1+2+9+9+2+1+5=20=2 Unfortunately, but this is not correct.

Numerology of the date of the wedding - how to calculate it?

First of all, the Year of the Personal Year should be calculated. This can be done by adding the day and month of birth to this year's first new moon in September, and after the new year that will start from the new year. (It can be assumed that this is the end of September, so from 1 October 2014 to the day and month of birth 2015 is added).

The person born on 12.06.1990 plans to marry on 12.09.2015.
In this case, add the day and month of birth 12.06=9 and the current year 2015.
The person on the day of the wedding will be in the 8th Personal Year.
The same calculation is applied to the future spouse.

Marriages should not be included in the 9th Personal Year, as this is the time to clean up and finish old cases. During this time, you should not enter into marriage, sign employment contracts, buy housing, etc. It is a period of dissolution of old ties, purification, and not starting new cases, relationships, ventures. Married marriage, which is concluded in the 9th Personal Year, is doomed to failure.

Another unfavourable Year is the Year of Personal 5, in which a lot of emotions can be heard, it is a very energetic or "twisted"year. In this case, you can experience learning to exercise your freedom without harming others, especially your loved ones. Married marriage this year usually brings experience of romance, promiscuity, love and addiction.

Choosing 7 of the Year means that we will live side by side, not together. 7 The year is the time to transform one's own interior, openness to learning and spirituality. 7 brings wisdom, intuition, knowledge, curiosity of the world, and on the other hand it gives a sense of isolation, alienation, and for the relationship a sense of loneliness. So it may be that instead of going through life together, you will live side by side.

In the 4th Year we should focus primarily on work, we can say that to make a relationship is a neutral year, it will surely bring stability and long living in a relationship, but little joy, madness. It can therefore be considered that if someone expects the certainty of a relationship, they may decide to choose this year.

What are the best personal years?

The Year of the Personal Year 6 is the most advantageous year for married couples, and it is a year that focuses on love, responsibility, harmony and caring for children and their partner.

Another beneficial year is the Year of Personal 3, which is responsible for communication, love, understanding, understanding, the relationship will be creative, will bring happiness and prosperity.

Marriage in Year 8 also brings a lot of luck. Especially in the financial sphere, because it can bring with it an improvement in social and financial status, honesty and fidelity.

To sum up: the best year is 3 and 6, but also 1,2 and 8, so avoid the Personal Years 5,7 and 9, and avoid karmic vibration (13,14 and 16).

Month and Personal Day

When choosing the date of your wedding, you should pay attention to make the Day and Month a personal favorable. And how to calculate them?

To calculate the Personal Month, you only need to add a month's wedding month to your Personal Year. So if we plan to marry on 12.09.2015, which will be the 8th Personal Year, we add the 9th month to 8.
Means 8+9=17=8
Personal Month - 8

To calculate the Personal Day, you need to add your wedding day to the Personal Month. From the above example it follows that this will be 12, i. e. 8+1+2=11=2
Personal Day - 2

For a person born on 12.06.1990, who is planning to marry on 12.09.2015.
Personal Year - 8
Personal Month - 8
Personal Day - 2

From the above example it appears that these are beneficial vibrations.

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